Fiduciary Governance Services

Managing Corporate Retirement Plan Risks

With a tightening regulatory environment, fiduciary responsibility and management has become more critical.

To help plan sponsors manage their fiduciary obligations, we are available to assist with your compliance in all aspects of corporate retirement plan operation, from administration to plan design and education. Our ongoing communications will keep you updated on fiduciary developments and provide guidance on how to meet your fiduciary obligations.

Most companies that offer a retirement plan do not realize the fiduciary responsibility held by the individuals who make decisions initially to offer the plan or manage it on an ongoing basis. These retirement plan fiduciaries can be personally liable for losses in the plan that result from a breach of their legal duties as defined under ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974- the body of law governing most retirement plans).

At Aldrich Wealth, we have developed Total Fiduciary, a six-step process for establishing a comprehensive fiduciary governance program in a plan. Total Fiduciary provides you an unbiased, third-party assessment of your existing fiduciary governance structure, identifying key areas where fiduciary risk can emerge, and then offering a customized roadmap for how your plan’s fiduciaries can better protect themselves from those risk areas.

Total Fiduciary Process

Step one

Establish fiduciary governance framework

Step two

Evaluate needs

Step three

Manage service providers

Step four

Manage administration

Step five

Manage investments

Step six

Monitor and maintain

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