This article originally appeared in Aldrich Wealth Community, a client experience offering from Aldrich Wealth.
“Save for a rainy day” is a mantra most of us have grown up with. While the saying holds water, it’s all too easy to take a good idea to extremes. Not long ago, we met with a widow. She and her husband had diligently saved, sacrificing family vacations and fun outings year after year so their future selves could retire in luxury. Suddenly, her husband passed, and in the blink of an eye, she found herself with a large estate and an even larger void in her heart.
This client’s all-too-common experience underscores the need for a more intentional approach to financial planning, one that begins with the psychology of why we make certain financial choices and ultimately strikes a balance between preparing for tomorrow and living today. In search of that balance, we wanted to share some introspective questions and examples to mull over the next time you’re considering a lifestyle purchase.