Investment Management

Meeting Your Long-term Investment Goals

Our approach is different.

Sound investment management is critical when it comes to achieving your financial goals. However, investment management is often performed without regard to other aspects of your financial life. We recognize that investment management must align closely with your overall financial goals and tax situation while limiting risk in the portfolio only to what is necessary to achieve your objectives and maximize your after-tax returns.

We have a dedicated team of professionals whose primary responsibility is investment management. At the center of our investment management process is our investment committee, who designs, develops, implements and manages your portfolio. This structure allows for the thoughtful execution of our investment principles and policies while ensuring consistency of the overall quality of advice that you receive.

Client Success Story
Asset Allocation

Choosing the investment that will have the best performance is extremely hard. By investing in assets with different characteristics you can limit portfolio risk without sacrificing return. You can be assured that your portfolio will be developed with the goal of achieving your return objective with the least amount of risk.

Tactical Asset Allocation

Economic conditions fluctuate over time, so our team of professionals continuously monitors the global economy and investment markets in order to make portfolio adjustments that we feel are prudent. We believe significant value can be added during market peaks and valleys as heightened emotions can result in market pricing anomalies that inevitably correct. You will have the comfort of knowing your portfolio is being continually monitored.

Behavioral Biases

Markets can become temporarily inefficient when emotions run high. By recognizing this, we can help you reduce risk when optimism is elevated and increase risk when pessimism peaks. We will insulate you from becoming swayed by the market sentiment which has historically resulted in poor performance as money pours into markets at peaks and exits at bottoms.

Active and Passive Management

Your portfolio will use a blend of active and passive managers, which keeps costs low but also allows you to potentially achieve above-index returns. We have identified asset classes that present opportunities for savvy and disciplined active managers to outperform the indices after fees. By including a select group of active managers, we believe you will see positive performance versus passive mandates.

It’s important that investment management is woven into all facets of your financial life. With the help of our dedicated team of professionals, you can be assured that your portfolio is working for you and providing the best opportunity for you to achieve all of your financial goals.

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